« Chronologie »
ISS - ISS EC-1 (010) - Sojus U (676)  

Nutzlast & Experimente

Experimente (amerikanischer Teil der ISS)
Raumfahrtbiologische Forschung (NASA)
weitere Infos (NASA/OSF)
Bonner Ball Neutron Detector (BBND)
weitere Infos (OSF/NASA)
Dosimetric Mapping (DOSMAP)
weitere Infos (OSF/NASA)
Effects of Altered Gravity on Spinal Cord Excitability (H-Reflex)
weitere Infos (OSF/NASA)
Crewmember and Crew-ground Interactions During International Space Station Missions (Interactions)
weitere Infos (OSF/NASA)
Subregional Assessment of Bone Loss in the Axial Skeleton in Long-term Space Flight (Subregional Bone)
weitere Infos (OSF/NASA)
Naturwissenschaften (NASA)
weitere Infos (NASA/OSF)
Microgravity Acceleration Measurement System (MAMS)
weitere Infos (OSF/NASA)
Protein Crystal Growth - Enhanced Gaseous Nitrogen (PCG-EGN/Dewar)
weitere Infos (OSF/NASA)
Protein Crystal Growth - Single-locker Thermal Enclosure System-09/10 (PCG-STES-09/10)
weitere Infos (OSF/NASA)
Physics of Colloids in Space (PCS)
weitere Infos (OSF/NASA)
Space Acceleration Measurement System II (SAMS-II)
weitere Infos (OSF/NASA)
Entwicklung von Weltraumprodukten (NASA)
weitere Infos (NASA/OSF)
Advanced Astroculture - GC-01 (ADVASC-GC-01)
weitere Infos (OSF/NASA)
Commercial Generic Bioprocessing Apparatus (CGBA)
weitere Infos (OSF/NASA)
Commercial Protein Crystal Growth - High-Density (CPCG-H)
weitere Infos (OSF/NASA)
Geowissenschaften (NASA)
weitere Infos (NASA/OSF)
Advanced Protein Crystallization Facility (APCF)
weitere Infos (OSF/NASA)
Active Rack Isolation System (ARIS)
weitere Infos (OSF/NASA)
Erdbeobachtung der Besatzung (CEO)
weitere Infos (OSF/NASA)
Earth Knowledge Acquired by Middle-School Studients (EarthKAM)
weitere Infos (OSF/NASA)
ISS Characterization Experiment (ICE)
weitere Infos (OSF/NASA)
Middeck Active Control Experiment II (MACE-II)
weitere Infos (OSF/NASA)

Experimente (russischer Teil der ISS)
Medizinische & biologische Forschung (RKK)
weitere Infos (RKK Energiya)
Development test of prediction procedure of dose characteristics of radiation environment in the Service Module compartments (Brados)
weitere Infos (RKK Energiya)
Additional physiological information to extend notions about the human adaptation to zero-gravity effects (Cardio-ODNT)
weitere Infos (RKK Energiya)
Additional physiological information to extend notions about the human adaptation to zero-gravity effects (Paradont)
weitere Infos (RKK Energiya)
Development test of prediction procedure of dose characteristics of radiation environment in the Service Module compartments (Prognos)
weitere Infos (RKK Energiya)
Additional physiological information to extend notions about the human adaptation to zero-gravity effects (Sprut-MBI)
weitere Infos (RKK Energiya)
Geophysikalische Forschung (RKK)
weitere Infos (RKK Energiya)
Generation of computer-aided data bases on the recorded catastrophic events. Preliminary working out decoding criteria for downlinked images of catastrophes along with their classification (Uragan)
weitere Infos (RKK Energiya)
Technische Forschung (RKK)
weitere Infos (RKK Energiya)
Development of the procedures to promptly detect sources of microgravity disturbances (Identifikatsia)
weitere Infos (RKK Energiya)
Updating the mathematical models simulating magnetic environment at the ISS (Iskazheniye)
weitere Infos (RKK Energiya)
Generation of the mathematical models simulating gravity environment at the ISS (Izgib)
weitere Infos (RKK Energiya)
Development test of the technology for plasma spraying-based crystals production (Plasma crystal)
weitere Infos (RKK Energiya)
Clarifying alignment characteristics of high-precision hardware (Priviazka)
weitere Infos (RKK Energiya)
Updating the ISS dynamic characteristics (Tenzor)
weitere Infos (RKK Energiya)


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