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Mohamed S. El-Genk
AIP Conference Proceedings Vol.420
Space Technology and Applications International Forum 1998

Reports of six conferences are recorded in this three-volume set. The unifying theme of the meetings is the review of progress made in expanding the frontiers of space.

The six conferences are:
  • 1st Conference on Global Virtual Presence
  • 1st Conference on Orbital Transfer Vehicles
  • 2nd Conference on Applications of Thermophysics in Microgravity
  • 3rd Conference on Commercial Development of Space
  • 3rd Conference on Next Generation Launch Systems
  • 15th Symposium on Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion

Taken together the conferences cover a broad spectrum of space science and technology ranging from basic research, such as thermophysics in microgravity, and physics of propulsion, to current technological advances in space power, exploration, and commercialization, to next generation launch systems.

STAIF was attended by members of academia, industry, government, program managers, and developers of space technologies in the U.S. and abroad.

Engineers, planners, and managers in R & D of space exploration and utilization.

Springer Verlag / American Institute of Physics, 1998, 1720 S.
544,63 Euro
Hardcover, 3 Volumes
ISBN: 978-1-56396-747-4

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