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Mohamed S. El-Genk
AIP Conference Proceedings Vol.324
Twelfth Symposium on Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion

Conference on Alternative Power From Space/Conference on Accelerator-Driven Transmutation Technologies and Applications

Topics covered in this two-volume set are next generation spacecraft; space power electronics and power management; microgravity two-phase flow; terrestrial applications of SNP systems technology; space power electronics and power management; thermal management; space mission applications; flight qualification and testing; manufacturing and processing; fuel and materials; nuclear propulsion; safety and environmental issues; radioisotope power systems; simulation and modeling; reactors and shielding; innovative concepts; radioisotope thermoelectric generator transportation packages; dual use technology; static energy conversion; bimodal systems; international programs, technology, and infrastructure; alternative power from space; accelerator-based systems.

Nuclear physicists and engineers involved with NASA projects and mission planning, chemical and mechanical engineers, and major industrial and national laboratory researchers and technicans whose work is space related, as well as those in space science and policy-making.

Springer Verlag / American Institute of Physics, 1995, 184 S.
373,43 Euro
ISBN: 978-1-56396-427-5

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