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Donald Rapp
Human Missions to Mars
Enabling Technologies for Exploring the Red Planet

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This book looks at human missions to Mars from an engineering perspective. It begins by describing the pros and cons of robotic exploration versus human exploration and then examines the ideas for sending humans to Mars from the point of view of both the enthusiast and the skeptic. Chapter 2 describes how space missions are planned and how they may be achieved as a sequence of separate steps. Chapter 3 deals with the complex issues relating to the outward journey to Mars and the return leg. Chapter 4 discusses a wide range of elements critical to a human Mars mission.

For any human mission to the Red Planet the possible utilization of any resources indigenous to Mars would be of great value and such possibilities are discussed in Chapter 5. Chapter 6 deals with a range of previous Mars mission studies and their technologies. Chapter 7 looks as how NASA is planning for its return to the Moon, and the use of the Moon as a stepping stone to Mars. Chapter 8 presents the author’s detailed analysis of why, in his opinion, the current NASA approach will fail to send humans to Mars before 2080. The book concludes with appendices describing the use of solar energy on the Moon and on Mars and the value of indigenous water on Mars.

Written for:
Space scientists and engineers, intermediate-level undergraduates and postgraduate researchers studying every aspect of human missions to Mars

Springer Berlin, 2007, 520 S.
106,95 Euro
ISBN: 978-3-540-72938-9

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