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Ashish Tewari
Atmospheric and Space Flight Dynamics
Modeling and Simulation with MATLAB and Simulink. Modeling and Simulation in Science, Engineering and Technology

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Modern aerospace vehicles, such as the space shuttle, other launch vehicles, and long-range ballistic missiles, do not discriminate between atmospheric and space flight. Most texts on flight dynamics, however, make this artificial distinction and therefore do not simultaneously cover aircraft and spacecraft. Bridging this gap in the literature, "Atmospheric and Space Flight Dynamics" is a unified presentation, demonstrating that the two disciplines have actually evolved from the same set of physical principles.

Readers are introduced to a broad range of modern topics in an accessible, yet mathematically rigorous presentation, with many numerical examples and simulations utilizing MATLAB and Simulink fully integrated throughout the work. The simulations presented---usually not found in books on the same topic---are both realistic and instructive. From the examples, readers may easily build their own simulations for aircraft, missiles, launch vehicles, re-entry vehicles, and spacecraft. The author uses the software as an instructional, hands-on tool, moving away from the "cook book" approach found in other works.

Replete with illustrations, end-of-chapter exercises, and selected solutions, the work is primarily useful as a textbook for advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate-level students. The book is also an excellent reference or self-study guide for researchers and practitioners in aerospace engineering, aviation, mechanical engineering, dynamics, astrodynamics, aeronautics, and astronautics.

Birkhäuser Verlag, 2006, 430 S.
83,46 Euro
Hardcover, w. 100 figs. and 100 draws
ISBN: 978-0-8176-4437-6

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