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Tommaso Sgobba
Safety Design for Space Systems

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Future progress in space safety lies in the acceptance of safety design and engineering as an integral part of the design and implementation process for new space systems, be they satellite systems, research projects, maintenance projects, or manned missions. This book details all key elements that impact on space systems safety, including and not limited to the space environment (natural and induced), human physiology in space, human rating factors, emergency capabilities, launch propellants amd oxidizer systems, life support systems, battery and fuel cell safety, nuclear power generators safety, habitat activities, fire protection, safety-critical software development, collision avoidance systems design, operations and on-orbit maintenance.

Butterworth Heinemann, 2009, 1000 S.
120,50 Euro
Hardcover, w. 500 ill.
ISBN: 978-0-7506-8580-1

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