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Lucy Rogers
It's Only Rocket Science
An Introduction to Space Enthusiasts

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"Well, it’s not rocket science, is it?"

How many times have you heard people use that expression when they mean something pretty simple? There are other areas of science and technology that are arguably more challenging than rocket science, but no other (perhaps apart from brain surgery) has entered mainstream English vocabulary as a byword for ‘difficult’.

But ‘hard to understand’ isn’t the same as ‘impossible to understand’, as Dr Lucy Rogers - who is herself currently working as a rocket scientist - shows in this book.

She describes, in everyday terms and entirely without complex math, just what is involved in launching something into space, to explore the universe beyond our small planet. If you want to understand the fundamentals of space flight, from how to leave the Earth - including the design of the rocket and vehicle, mission planning, navigation and communication - to life in space and the effects of weightlessness, begin your journey here.

Written for:
Space and science enthusiasts

Die Autorin
Dr Lucy Rogers is a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society and a member of the British Association of Science Writers. She is an engineer, and is currently working on the Launch Escape System propulsion unit for StarChaser, the UK's commercial space access company. She has published articles in The Guardian national newspaper, and on BBC Online.

Springer Berlin, 2008, 208 S.
26,70 Euro
Broschiert, w. figs. (some col.)
ISBN: 978-0-387-75377-5

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