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Angie Bukley, Gilles Clement
Space Technology Library
Artificial Gravity

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Protecting the health, safety, and performance of exploration-class mission crews against the physiological deconditioning resulting from long-term weightlessness during transit and long-term reduced gravity during surface operations will require effective, multi-system countermeasures. Artificial gravity, which would replace terrestrial gravity with inertial forces generated by rotating the transit vehicle or by short-radius human centrifuge devices within the transit vehicle or surface habitat, has long been considered a potential solution. However, despite its attractiveness as an efficient, multi-system countermeasure and its potential for improving the environment and simplifying operational activities, much still needs to be learned regarding the human response to rotating environments before artificial gravity can be successfully implemented.

This book reviews the principle and rationale for using artificial gravity during space missions, and describes the current options proposed, including a short-radius centrifuge contained within a spacecraft. In Artificial Gravity, experts provide recommendations on the research needed to assess whether or not short-radius centrifuge workouts can help limit deconditioning of physiological systems.

Written for:
Aerospace companies and corporate libraries, those working in the space life sciences, space technology, and space medicine fields


"Aided by an exquisite group of experts, Gilles Clement and Angie Bukley have managed to put together THE new, comprehensive reference book on artificial gravity. This book will be an essential resource for students, scientists, and program planners alike."
(Oliver Angerer, European Space Agency)

"Drs. Gilles Clement and Angie Bukley have provided a unique book that looks at the practicability of artificial gravity, and have invited respected experts in the space flight community to contribute to this discourse. Like the early 1960 studies of artificial gravity, their book charts the future, guiding both seasoned investigators and students with the tools necessary for understanding the complex problems of artificial gravity and the effect of that environment on biological systems."
(Millard F. Reschke, NASA, The Johnson Space Center)

Springer Berlin, 2007, 250 S.
112,30 Euro
ISBN: 978-0-387-70712-9

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