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Norma Crosby
Interplanetary Travel and Space Weather
Scientific, Technological and Biological Issues

weather, so as to benefit anybody aiming to work in a space related field, be it a scientist, an engineer, a medical doctor or a future manager of a space project. A main introduction is followed by four parts: the space environment, technical and biological effects, mitigation techniques, and mission scenarios. The book aims to improve the quality of traditional space related educational material, taking into consideration the skills required for modern space industry and science. In addition, it is useful for those already working in the space industry.

Written for:
Graduate and advanced undergraduate students in science, engineering and other space related majors (such as space law and economics).

Die Autorin
Norma Crosby works as a research scientist at the Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy in Brussels, Belgium. Her research interests include space weather related topics, solar terrestrial physics and statistical analysis of space and atmospheric data.

Springer Berlin, 2009, 250 S.
96,25 Euro
Hardcover, w. 50 figs. (15 col.) and 30 tab.
ISBN: 978-3-540-74877-9

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