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Steven P. Brumby
AIP Conference Proceedings Vol.499
Small Missions for Energetic Astrophysics, Ultraviolet to Gamma-Ray

Los Alamos, NM, February 22-26, 1999

Small Missions for Energetic Astrophysics discusses space missions for the second half of the next decade and describes current astrophysical problems as well as creative small mission solutions. Topics include: active galactic nuclei, compact object binaries, extragalactic diffuse background and the intergalactic medium, gamma-ray bursts, interstellar medium, supernovae and supernovae remnants, stellar astrophysics, white dwarfs and isolated neutron stars, and emerging technologies for small satellite missions.

Astronomers, astrophysicists, and space science professionals and administrators.

Springer Verlag / American Institute of Physics, 1999, 176 S.
112,30 Euro
ISBN: 978-1-56396-912-6

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