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Timothy Ferris
Seeing in the Dark
How Backyard Stargazers Are Probing Deep Space and Guarding Earth from Interplanetary Peril

In Seeing in the Dark, a poetic love letter to science and to the skies, Timothy Ferris invites us all to become stargazers. He recounts his own experiences as an enthralled lifelong amateur astronomer and reports from around the globe -- from England and Italy to the Florida Keys and the Chilean Andes -- on the revolution that's putting millions in touch with the night sky. In addition, Ferris offers an authoritative and engaging report on what's out there to be seen -- what Saturn, the Ring nebula, the Silver Coin galaxy, and the Virgo supercluster really are and how to find them. The appendix includes star charts, observing lists, and a guide on how to get involved in astronomy.

Ferris takes us inside a major revolution sweeping astronomy, as lone amateur astronomers, in global networks linked by the Internet, make important discoveries that are the envy of the professionals. His ability to describe the wonders of the universe is simply magical, and his enthusiasm for his subject is irresistible.

Der Autor
Timothy Ferris ist ein Autor von Rang und Namen: Von der Washington Post wurde er zum besten englischsprachigen Wissenschaftsjournalisten seiner Generation gekürt: Er hat mehrere Bestseller über Astronomie, Physik und ihre Geschichte geschrieben und war nominiert für den Pulitzer-Preis und den National Book Award. Für seine Arbeiten ist er mehrfach ausgezeichnet worden und seine Bücher wurden in 16 Sprachen übersetzt. Bei uns ist sein bekanntestes Buch "Galaxien", das im deutschsprachigen Raum nahezu jeder Hobby-Astronom kennt. Ferris produzierte außerdem die Schallplatte, die an Bord des Raumschiffs Voyager als Visitenkarte der Menschheit seit 1976 durchs All fliegt.


"Entrancing and beautifully written, this latest work by Ferris, the writer laureate of astronomy, will be treasured by generations of stargazers to come."
(The Washington Post)

"Editor's Choice: One of the year's best books."
(The New York Times Book Review)

"This is a beautiful book....Seeing in the Dark is even more delightful and successful because Ferris has so artfully pinned its organization to the human experiences of observers past and present."
(The New York Times Book Review)

"Ferris takes readers on a grand tour of the known universe, from nearby planets to distant galaxies, in a sweeping, elegantly composed narrative rich with historic and scientific detail."

"If it's his skills as a scholar that allow Ferris to present amateur astronomy as lively and exciting, then it's his gift for expressive prose that makes these nocturnal pursuits seem gripping and romantic."
(Entertainment Weekly)

"A delightful look back down the telescopes of some of the world's most accomplished citizen astronomers....A refreshing perspective."
(Scientific American)

Simon & Schuster, 2003, 400 S.
15,00 Euro
ISBN: 978-0-684-86580-5

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