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Mary Bennett, David S. Percy
Dark Moon
Apollo and the Whistle-Blowers

Information is now available that throws into serious doubt the authenticity of the Apollo record, and new evidence clearly suggests that NASA hoaxed the photographs taken on the surface of the Moon. These disturbing findings are supported by detailed analysis of the Apollo images by professional photographer David S Percy ARPS and physicist Dr. David Groves PhD.

The numerous inconsistencies clearly visible in the Apollo photographic record are quite irrefutable. Some of the many errors evidenced in DARK MOON were no doubt due to haste and poor thinking. Others were deliberately planted by individuals dubbed by the authors as 'Whistle-Blowers', who were determined to leave evidence of the faking in which they were unwillingly involved.

This publication is particularly timely as 1999 is the 30th anniversary of the first lunar landing and the 40th anniversary of the establishment of NASA. DARK MOON is the long-awaited answer to a question that was first asked in July 1969-did the Apollo missions really land a man on the Moon and return him alive and well to Earth, or is the record incorrect? "We don't have time to answer their questions, the truth is in the photographs," was the comment from a NASA spokesman. By asking the very question that has haunted NASA from 1969 until the present day, the authors have uncovered a deception that appears to emanate from the very top regarding the exploration of the Moon. DARK MOON is an extensively researched and balanced assessment of the people and parallels within the USSR/USA space programs and an in-depth examination of the material regarded by NASA as proof that the named Apollo astronauts did indeed walk on the lunar surface. The circumstances surrounding the Apollo 13 'accident' are closely scrutinised revealing the fact that the account is full of serious discrepancies. Thirty years after these 'events' new evidence suggests that the Apollo record is seriously flawed and more than amply demonstrates that NASA has a case to answer. "I tried to disprove the authors' claims, but as a professional in image processing I was surprised to find that these Apollo photographs are full of contradictions and inconsistencies," said David Groves PhD.

Investigates why NASA chose to present the Apollo scenario with which we are all familiar, when research evidence suggests that a parallel operation was actually executed. Demonstrates that lighting was used in the Apollo photographs-yet none was taken to the Moon, and shows that impossibly high photographic viewpoints were employed-yet the images should have been taken from cameras fixed to the astronauts' chest brackets. Analyses the lunar surface photographs that appear to be encoded with deliberate mistakes and compares the still images with the claimed 'live' TV coverage of the Apollo missions. Highlights the severe dangers of space radiation, graphically detailing the numerous potential hazards to be overcome during manned exploration of deep space. Presents the testimony of Whistle-Blowers together with interviews and comments from specialists and scientists involved in the development of manned space travel. Provokes the discussion of many subjects that some may not wish to address, including new hypotheses concerning gravity and light. Proposes that spacecraft will require radical conceptual renewal before we can send a man to Mars and return him safely to Earth. Reveals the role that the Roswell Incident played in the overall project to get to Mars following a trial run to the Moon.

Aulis Publishers, 1999, 568 S.
28,00 Euro
ISBN: 978-1-898541-10-3

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