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Rod Pyle
Destination Moon
The Apollo Missions in the Astronauts' Own Words

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Born of the Cold War, the Apollo space programme was the largest technical undertaking of all time, and led to the greatest adventure of the twentieth century. Travelling to the most forbidding environment known to man, twelve courageous individuals stepped out of their tiny spaceships and onto another world. And with that, the history of humankind was irrevocably changed. And then, as suddenly as it had blossomed, the lunar programme was gone. By 1972 it was all over, and NASA moved on to more mundane activities.

But the adventures live on. "Destination Moon" tells the significant, spectacular and intriguing story of the Apollo space programme through first-person accounts by the astronauts themselves, explained and put into context with expert commentary by Rod Pyle. In addition the book contains over 100 accompanying images - many of which are rarely seen - drawn from original NASA film. The result is a remarkable book that will transport readers to a world they have never seen like this before.

Carlton Publishing, 2009, 192 S.
25,00 Euro
ISBN: 978-1-84732-228-9

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