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Michael Carroll
The Seventh Landing
Going Back to the Moon, This Time to Stay

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Just forty years ago, in July of 1969, one of humankind’s greatest dreams was accomplished. Men flew safely to the Moon, landed and walked on its surface, and then returned home. There were six Moon landings by the Apollo team in that time period, but when the last one blasted off the surface of the Moon to return home, our dreams of establishing a permanent presence on the Moon were put on hold to deal with other priorities. For a while, those dreams seemed to be dead, and many looked back at the Apollo era with nostalgia, and a great sense of loss at its ending.

But today we are making big plans again, and this time, our plans include not only setting up a permanent settlement on the Moon but preparing the way for an eventual trip to Mars. Many countries, in fact, are contributing to this effort, some as part of an international venture with the United States spearheading the effort, some making plans to go on their own.

The "seventh landing" on the Moon will begin a new era in spacefaring. It will mark a renewed commitment to move forward in humankind’s endless quest to discover and settle new worlds in search of a better life for all of Earth’s inhabitants. It will bring dreams back alive and engender new hopes for a bright future. See how we are going to accomplish this quest in this stunning and beautifully written book by veteran space writer and artist Michael Carroll, which includes interviews with a dozen Apollo and shuttle astronauts and Soviet cosmonauts.

Written for:
Students and the general public interested in popular science, astronautics, engineering, and planetary science

Der Autor
Artist/writer Michael Carroll's 20 years as a science journalist have left him well-connected in the planetary science community. For The Seventh Landing project, he has contacts with Lockheed/Martin (contractor for the Orion spacecraft and Ares launch vehicles), Johnson Spaceflight Center, NASA/Ames (overseeing the Mars portion of the Constellation architecture) and other technicians and engineers involved in projects as diverse as the early Mercury and Gemini programs to the ISS. He is a Fellow of the International Association for the Astronomical Arts, and has written articles and books on topics ranging from space to archeology. His articles have appeared in Popular Science, Astronomy, Sky and Telescope, Astronomy Now (UK), and a host of children’s magazines. His latest book, Alien Volcanoes, is due out through Johns Hopkins University Press in fall of 2007. Carroll has done commissioned artwork for NASA and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. His art has appeared in several hundred magazines throughout the world, including National Geographic, Time, Smithsonian, Astronomy, and others. One of his paintings was flown aboard Russia’s MIR space station. Carroll is the 2006 recipient of the Lucien Rudaux Award for lifetime achievement in the Astronomical Arts.

Springer Berlin, 2009, 200 S.
24,56 Euro
Hardcover, w. 75 col. and 10 b&w figs.
ISBN: 978-0-387-93880-6

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