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Michael J. Neufeld
Von Braun
Dreamer of Space - Engineer of War

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Chief rocket engineer of the Third Reich and one of the fathers of the U.S. space program, Wernher von Braun is a source of consistent fascination. Glorified as a visionary and vilified as a war criminal, he was a man of profound moral complexities, whose intelligence and charisma were coupled with an enormous and, some would say, blinding ambition. Based on new sources, Neufeld's biography delivers a meticulously researched and authoritative portrait of the creator of the V-2 rocket and his times, detailing how he was a man caught between morality and progress, between his dreams of the heavens and the earthbound realities of his life.

Der Autor
Michael J. Neufeld, 1951 in Kanada geboren, ist Chef der Abteilung für Geschichte der Raumfahrt im National Air and Space Museum der Smithonian Institution in Washington. Er hat bereits ein Buch über die Raketenversuchsstation Peenemünde veröffentlicht und ist einer der besten Kenner der internationalen Raumfahrtgeschichte.

Vintage Books, 2009, 588 S.
15,40 Euro
ISBN: 978-0-307-38937-4

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