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Dan Parry
The Inside Story of Mankind's Greatest Adventure

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In 1969, people from across the globe gathered round television sets to witness one of the most historic moments in the history of mankind - the first human moon landing. Following this epic undertaking from its very beginning - a product of the Cold War and America's desire to flex its international muscle - through to its aftermath, "Moonshot" goes beyond official accounts of the Apollo 11 mission to tell the real, untold story of an event known the world over. From the often fraught relationships between the three men destined to make history - hot-headed Buzz Aldrin, easygoing Michael Collins and the inscrutable Neil Armstrong - to the moment when, just minutes before Armstrong and Aldrin were about to reach the surface of the moon, their equipment failed and alarms rang out, Dan Parry reveals how the mission could so easily have gone terribly wrong, and America's great triumph have become a national disaster. Based on extensive research and interviews with many of the leading participants, "Moonshot" describes in nail-biting, page-turning detail every step of a remarkable, perilous mission that has captured the imagination of generations then and since.

Random House, 2009, 352 S.
14,50 Euro
Broschiert, w. 16 col. Plates
ISBN: 978-0-09-192837-7

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