- Shops - Buch-Tipps - Raumfahrt - Astronauten - engl. Titel

Francis Dreer
Space Conquest
The Complete History of Manned Spaceflight

The greatest-ever feat of science and technology in the history of mankind occurred when the USA's Apollo 11 landed men on the surface of the moon. The great ideological struggle of the Cold War between the USA and the Soviet Union was defined by the space race - a race won by the Americans. This stunningly illustrated story of manned spaceflight covers the Soviet and American space programmes, Neil Armstrong's historic 'one small step for man' in July 1969, and continues into the era of space stations and reusable spacecraft like the Shuttle.

Haynes, 2009, 208 S.
30,10 Euro
ISBN: 978-1-84425-573-3

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