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National Geographic Maps of Space
Mars, The Red Planet, Planokarte

Winner of the 2001 John Bartholomew Award from the British Cartographic Society for excellence in thematic cartography.

In 1659 Dutch astronomer Christiaan Huygens, using an early telescope, drew the first sketch of a surface feature on Mars, a dark path known today as Syrtis Major. More than three centuries later the Mars Global Surveyor is charting the entire planet. Data beamed from the orbiting Surveyor have rendered a detailed and true-color map of this seemingly most Earthlike of planets. The map is a mosaic of about a thousand images taken since 1999 by the Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC). Scientists from both Malin Space Science Systems in San Diego, where MOC was developed, and the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) team merged image data with 330 million elevation measurements. The resulting map, a National Geographic exclusive, provides the sharpest view yet of Mars and its spectacular terrain.

National Geographic Maps, 2001
16,99 Euro
Karte, Format 50 x 77,5 cm, Mehrfarbendruck. In Hülse
ISBN: 978-0-7922-8380-5

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