- Shops - Buch-Tipps - Planeten - engl. Titel

Steve Eales
Planets and Planetary Systems

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Planets and Planetary Systems is a balanced introduction to the science of planets within our own solar system and those in other solar systems. This is an extremely fast moving field, and at present there are not suitable texts for undergraduates.

The book starts with a description of the basic properties of the planets in our solar systems, and then moves on to compare them with what is known about planets in other solar systems. The dynamics of planetary systems follows, before the book moves on to cover the interiors of planets and then their atmospheres. The book ends by looking at the origin of planetary systems and the role of impacts in solar system evolution.

Wiley & Sons, 2009, 256 S.
34,90 Euro
ISBN: 978-0-470-01693-0

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