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Marvin Bolt, Katherine Bracher, Thomas Hockey
The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers
Astronomers' Biographies Alphabetized from A to Z

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The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers is a unique and valuable resource for historians and astronomers alike. The two volumes include approximately 1550 biographical sketches on astronomers from antiquity to modern times. It is the collective work of about 400 authors edited by an editorial board of 9 historians and astronomers, and provides additional details on the nature of an entry and some summary statistics on the content of entries.

An Appendix of Countries enables researchers to locate astronomers by country, and a comprehensive subject index helps researchers to identify the authors of important scientific topics and treastises.

Springer Berlin, 2006, 2000 S.
352,03 Euro
Hardcover, with 50 col. figs.
ISBN: 978-0-387-31022-0

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