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Gerhard Börner
The Early Universe
Facts and Fiction

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This fourth edition of Boerner´s The Early Universe is practically a new book, not just an updated version. In particular, to meet the wishes of many readers, it is now organized so as to make it more useful as a textbook.

Problem sections are appended, too. In the center are the connections between particle physics and cosmology: the standard model, some basic implications of quantum field theory, and the questions of structure formation.

A special feature of the book is the comparison of theoretical predictions with observations, separating "facts from fiction". Special emphasis is given to the observed anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background and the consequences drawn for cosmology and for the structure formation models.

Nuclear and particle physicists and astrophysicists, researchers and teachers as well as graduate students will welcome this new edition of a classic text and reference.

Der Autor
Gerhard Börner, geboren 1941 in Plauen, ist Professor für Physik an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München und Wissenschaftler am Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik in Garching. Dort widmet er sich der Erforschung des frühen Universums und der Galaxienentstehung.

Springer Berlin, 2004, 700 S.
106,95 Euro
Taschenbuch, w. 94 figs., 15 plates (mostly col.)
ISBN: 978-3-540-44197-7

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