- Shops - Buch-Tipps - Kosmologie - engl. Titel

Vincent Martinez
Lecture Notes in Physics
Data Analysis in Cosmology

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The amount of cosmological data has dramatically increased in the past decades due to an unprecedented development of telescopes, detectors and satellites. Efficiently handling and analysing new data of the order of terabytes per day requires not only computer power to be processed but also the development of sophisticated algorithms and pipelines.

Aiming at students and researchers the lecture notes in this volume explain in pedagogical manner the best techniques used to extract information from cosmological data, as well as reliable methods that should help us improve our view of the universe.

Written for:
Graduate students and researchers working in observational cosmology

Springer Berlin, 2006, 240 S.
139,05 Euro
ISBN: 978-3-540-23972-7

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