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A. J. Meadows
The Future of the Universe

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There are many books that describe what we know of the past of the Universe, beginning with the Big Bang. But what of its future?

It is only in recent years that astronomers and cosmologists have come to any kind of consensus about the probable history of the universe, so have been relatively few books speculating about its future evolution. What will happen to the Earth and solar system? What about our galaxy? Indeed, how long will the universe as we recognize it survive?

The Future of the Universe takes the reader on a journey through space and time, beginning with a long look at the Earth and solar system, voyaging to the outermost galaxies, and finishing with speculations about the life and fate of the entire universe.

Springer Verlag, 2006, 182 S.
32,05 Euro
Hardcover, 29 illus., 9 in colour
ISBN: 978-1-85233-946-3

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