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Andrew Liddle
An Introduction to Modern Cosmology

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An Introduction to Modern Cosmology Second Edition is an accessible account of modern cosmological ideas. The Big Bang Cosmology is explored, looking at its observational successes in explaining the expansion and age of the universe, the existence and properties of the cosmic microwave background, and the origin of the light elements in the universe. Properties of the very early universe are also covered, including the motivation for the theory known as cosmological inflation. The Second Edition includes additiional material on observational cosmology and structure formation.

  • Approach grounded in physics rather than mathematics.

  • Worked examples, student problems, hints for solving them and numerical answers.

  • Latest observational results including WMAP satellite.

  • New website with updates, full colour images and links to further information.


"...a clear, concise and accessible book"
(New Scientist)

"... one of the clearest introductions to cosmology on the market"
(Contemporary Physics)

Wiley & Sons, 2008, 130 S.
27,90 Euro
ISBN: 978-0-470-84835-7

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