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Donald Brownlee, Peter D. Ward
Rare Earth

Maybe we really are alone. While it is widely believed that complex life is common throughout the billions of stars and galaxies, the authors argue that advanced life may, in fact be very rare, perhaps even unique. While microbial life may wellbe more prevalent throughout the Universe than previously believed, the conditions necessary for the evolution and survival of higher life - and here the authors consider everything from DNA to plate tectonics to the role of our Moon - are so complex and precarious that they are unlikely to arise in many other places, if all. Insightful, clearly explained, and at the cutting edge of modern scientific investigation, 'Rare Earth' will fascinate anyone interested in the possibility of life elsewhere in the Universe, and offers a fresh perspective on life at home which may be even more presious than we ever have imagined.

Der Autor
Donald Brownlee is a professor of astronomy at the University of Washington and also a member of the Astrobiology program. He specializes in the study of extraterrestrial samples, comets and the early solar system. He is the principal investigator of the NASA Stardust mission that will collect comet samples and return them to Earth.

Der Autor
Peter Ward is a professor of geology at the University of Washington and a member of the Astrobiology program. He is a paleontologist by trade, he has does extensive studies on ammonites and global mass extinctions.

Springer Berlin, 1999, 333 S.
24,56 Euro
ISBN: 978-0-387-98701-9

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