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Alan H. Guth
The Inflationary Universe
The Quest for a New Theory of Cosmic Origins

The author, one of the world's foremost cosmologists, sets out to answer the vexed question surrounding the Big Bang Theory: if matter can neither be created nor destroyed, how could so much matter arise from nothing? This is the story of Guth's quest to understand the origins of the universe.

An exciting, passionate and bewildering flight into the question of the origins of the universe. Leading cosmologist, Alan Guth, tackles those matters that the Big Bang Theory has been unable to resolve, namely: If matter can neither be created or destroyed, how could so much matter arise from nothing at all?


"Guth is an intellectual test pilot. His mission is to push the machinery of physics to its logical extreme, in hopes that he can find out just when it will self-destruct"

Vintage Books, 1998, 368 S.
15,80 Euro
Broschiert, w. figs.
ISBN: 978-0-09-995950-2

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