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Peter T. Bobrowsky, Hans Rickman
Comet/Asteroid Impacts and Human Society
An Interdisciplinary Approach

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In 1908 an atmospheric explosion in northern Siberia released energy equivalent to 15 Mton of TNT.

Can a comparable or larger NEO affect us again? When the next NEO strikes Earth will it be large enough to destroy a city? Will the climate change significantly? Can archaeology and anthropology provide insights into the expected cultural responses with NEO interactions? Does society have a true grasp of the actual risks involved? Is the Great Depression a good model for the economic collapse that could follow a NEO catastrophe?

This volume provides a necessary link between various disciplines and comet/asteroid impacts.

Springer Berlin, 2007, 250 S.
139,05 Euro
ISBN: 978-3-540-32709-7

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