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C. D. Andriesse
The Man Behind the Principle

Huygens: The Man Behind the Principle is the story of the great seventeenth-century Dutch mathematician and physicist, Christiaan Huygens (1629-1695). As the first complete biography ever written this book describes in detail how Huygens arrived at discoveries and inventions that are often wrongly ascribed to Newton. Huygens played a key role in the 'scientific revolution', and the Huygens Principle on the wave theory of light helped establish his reputation. The discovery of Saturn's rings and the invention of the pendulum clock made him so famous that he was invited to be the first director of the French Academy of Science, but his life as director teetered on the edge of powerlessness. Despite Huygens' many achievements no complete biography has previously been published in English.

This book gives scientists and historians the opportunity to learn more about all aspects of Huygens' life while bringing his story to a wider audience.

Cambridge University Press, 2005, 440 S.
87,20 Euro
ISBN: 978-0-521-85090-2

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