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Reiner Braun, David Krieger
Einstein - Peace Now!
Visions and Ideas

Einstein was not only an extraordinary scientist, but also a person who faced his social responsibilities determinedly.

The main focus of this book is put on topical articles by Scientific and Peace Nobel Prize laureates, prominent scientists and those committed to peace issues and justice, as well as citizens engagement for peace. Among the contributors are more than 10 Nobel Prize laureates, such as Mikhail Gorbachev, Walter Kohn, Joseph Rotblat, Alexander Ginzburg or Hans Bethe. This unique collection of intellectual thoughts on Einstein's vision of peace addresses a thoughtful, concerned and courageous audience, and was compiled to encourage and envision ways towards a more peaceful society.

Wiley-VCH Verlag, 2005, 300 S.
21,00 Euro
ISBN: 978-3-527-40604-3

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