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Raman Prinja
A Journey Through Stellar Birth, Life and Death

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Stars" presents a vivid account of the fascinating life-stories of stars. The informative and accessible text is combined with breathtaking imagery from the most powerful telescopes to capture the beauty of star birth, the extreme activity of stars and their violent demise. The book begins with an engaging description of stunning nurseries in space that give rise to new stars. The latest scientific discoveries are explained in an easy-to-understand style that is suitable for novices, enthusiasts and experienced observers. Hubble Space Telescope and Spitzer infrared images reveal exquisite details of not only the star-formation process in our Milky Way Galaxy but also in extreme environments in other distant galaxies. Professor Prinja expertly reveals the remarkable phases that mark the evolution of stars, including detailed observations of dynamic explosions on the Sun. The final chapters of "Stars" provides unparalleled insights into the death of stars, covering colourful planetary nebulae and the incredible power of supernovae and hypernovae explosions. "Stars" is a thought-provoking and highly informative study of the stellar Universe and our place in it and is illustrated throughout with breathtaking colour photographs from NASA and ESA.

Der Autor
Raman Prinja unterrichtet Astronomie und Astrophysik am University College London (UCL). Zahlreiche Publikationen, auch populäre Astronomiebücher

New Holland Publishers, 2008, 192 S.
34,90 Euro
Hardcover, w. 100 col. Photos
ISBN: 978-1-84773-063-3

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