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Brian D. Warner
Patrick Moore's Practical Astronomy Series
Practical Guide to Lightcurve Photometry and Analysis

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The Practical Guide to Lightcurve Photometry and Analysis provides those with access to even a modest telescope and a CCD camera the background and detailed steps to take part in important astronomical research.

Readers learn about the joint projects in which they can take part, as well as the techniques of gathering, analyzing, and then publishing their data. The primary market for this book is amateur astronomers, but undergraduate students will also find its easy going friendly style ideal for help with their studies in this subject. There is of course more to lightcurve photometry than simply taking pictures. For the results to be of value, the data must be gathered and processed in certain ways so that it is both meaningful and can be used by others for analysis.

The book contains enough background material (theory) for the reader to understand - and avoid - the pitfalls in the process. More important, there are detailed examples provided for hpw to obtain data and, for many, the more exciting and rewarding effort of analyzing the data to determine various properties of the object being studied. Under "choosing the right software," the author looks critically at the commercially-available packages, providing screen shots and useful advice. Amateur astronomers who wants to go beyond mere imaging with a CCD camera will find everything ithat they need in the book to take a step into ‘real’ science.

Table of contents
  • The Thrill of Photometry.
  • Getting Started.
  • Photometry Fundamentals.
  • Of Telescopes and Cameras.
  • Choosing The Right Software.
  • Getting the Right Time.
  • Collecting Photons.
  • Measuring the Images.
  • Analysing the Data.
  • Example Problem Outlines.
  • Appendices.
  • Index.

Springer Berlin, 2006, 300 S.
37,40 Euro
Broschiert, w. 110 figs.
ISBN: 978-0-387-29365-3

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