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Peter L. Smith, Wolfgang L. Wiese
Atomic and Molecular Data for Space Astronomy
Needs, Analysis, and Availability

This is a very useful reference book for working astronomers and astrophysicists. Forming the proceedings of a recent IAU meeting where the availability and the needs of atomic and molecular data were discussed, the papers published here discuss existing and planned instruments for astronomical spectroscopy from earth-orbiting satellites.

In particular, the atomic and molecular parameters that are, or will be, needed for analysis of the data obtained by these instruments are considered. A number of significant shortcomings in the available databases are identified. The needs highlighted will be of interest to laboratory astrophysicists, both experimentalists and theorists, who can produce the data required.

A second group of papers provides a current inventory of atomic and molecular data compilations.

Springer Berlin, 1992, 158 S.
74,85 Euro
ISBN: 978-3-540-97909-8

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