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Lars Bergström, Ariel Goobar
Springer Praxis Books in Astronomy and Planetary Science
Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics

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Beginning with some basic facts about the observable universe the authors consider in successive chapters the complete range of topics that make up a degree course in cosmology and particle astrophysics. The outstanding feature of this book is that it is self-contained, in that no specialised knowledge is required on the part of the reader, apart from basic undergraduate mathematics and physics.

This paperback edition will again target students of physics, astrophysics and cosmology at the advanced undergraduate level or early graduate level. One of the book’s biggest strong points is that the authors rapidly involve students in the most exciting of today's developments in the field in a simple and self-contained manner, relegating the more technical aspects to appendices. The worked examples throughout the book, and summaries at the end of each chapter, which were expanded in the second edition, have been very well received by students.

This book offers advanced undergraduate level and beginning graduate level students a highly readable, yet comprehensive review of particle astrophysics. Competing books cover this topic at too advanced a level for this readership.

Written for: Undergraduate and postgraduate students of Astronomy, Astrophysics, Cosmology, Particle Physics and Theoretical Physics and Mathematical Physics

Springer Praxis, 2006, 364 S.
58,80 Euro
Broschiert, w. figs., 6 col. Plates
ISBN: 978-3-540-32924-4

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