- Shops - Buch-Tipps - Astrophysik - engl. Titel - AIP

Jose F. Nieves
AIP Conference Proceedings Vol.444
Particle Physics and Cosmology

First Tropical Workshop / High Energy Physics: Second Latin American Symposium

The proceedings of both the First Tropical Workshop on Particle Physics and Cosmology and the Second Latin American Symposium on High Energy Physics have been combined into one volume where the articles are divided thematically into various sets, independent of whether they were presented in one or the other of the two activities. The volume features several review talks, specialized talks, and shorter seminars. Some of the topics covered are neutrino physics, CP and flavor violation, and dark matter, and includes all active areas of research in theoretical and experimental high energy physics. The exciting new evidence on neutrino oscillations is first reviewed in the lead papers of these Proceedings; it later became front page international news.

Researchers in high energy physics and particle physics.

Springer Verlag / American Institute of Physics, 1998, 606 S.
245,03 Euro
ISBN: 978-1-56396-775-7

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