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Vitaly L. Ginzburg
The Physics of a Lifetime
Reflections on the Problems and Personalities of 20th Century Physics

This book offers a unique view of the development of modern physics and of the personalities who contributed to it.

Every reader interested in understanding the important problems in physics and astrophysics and their historic development over the past 60 years will enjoy this book immensely. The philosophy, history and the individual views of famous scientists of the 20th century known personally to the author, make this book fascinating for non-physicists, too.

The book consists of three parts on (I) major problems of physics and astrophyics, (II) the philosophy and history of science and (III) memorial essays on famous physicists.

The author is an internationally renowned scientist, who summarises here his life-long experience.


Springer Berlin, 2001, 514 S.
85,55 Euro
ISBN: 978-3-540-67534-1

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