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Michael A. Dopita, Ralph S. Sutherland
Astrophysics of the Diffuse Universe

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The book is designed as an astrophysics textbook that provides a comprehensive introduction to the physics of Interstellar Matter. It is aimed primarily at those undertaking postgraduate courses, or those doing advanced projects as part of honors undergraduate courses in physics or astrophysics. It should also provide a handy reference to the field for astrophysics faculty and other researchers who are not necessarily experts in this particular subdiscipline. The objective of Astrophysics of the Diffuse Universe is to show how physics can be applied to the understanding and diagnosis of the phase structure, the physical conditions, and the chemical make-up and evolution of the interstellar medium. Consistent with the authors' lecture and course experience, here a systematic approach has been adopted to assist the development of the reader's insight into the physics underlying the subject.

Written for:
Researchers and postgraduate students

Springer Berlin, 2004, 440 S.
74,85 Euro
Hardcover, w. 70 figs.
ISBN: 978-3-540-43362-0

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