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Paul Davies
The Last Three Minutes
Conjectures about the Ultimate Fate of the Universe

How will the universe end? With a bang or a whimper? And what are the implications for us? The future of humanity hinges on physical processes that we are only beginning to understand.

This free-ranging account surveys the latest predictions about the ultimate fate of the universe, and assesses the profound scientific and philsophical implications. It outlines the arguments for three possible outcomes for the universe. The first is that the universe will go on expanding indefinitely; the second is that it will slow down and eventually collapse into a zero space, the reverse of the Big Bang; and the third is that it will reach a steady state, neither expanding nor contracting, but remaining the same for eternity.

As a religious man, Davies is equally curious about the implications for humans: is there any sense in which humanity can expect to survive for eternity?

Der Autor
Paul Davies, geboren 1949, ist studierter Physiker mit den Schwerpunkten Kosmologie, Quantenfeldtheorie und Astrobiologie. An der Arizona State University forscht er als Leiter des BEYOND-Forschungszentrums zu elementaren Fragen zur Entstehung des Universums und des Lebens. Er ist Autor zahlreicher populärer Sachbücher.

Phoenix House (GB), 1995, 176 S.
12,30 Euro
Broschiert, w. figs.
ISBN: 978-1-85799-336-3

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