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Roman Czujko, Karen Kaleuati, Judith Mulvey
Directory of Physics, Astronomy and Geophysics Staff, 2006

The Directory of Physics, Astronomy and Geophysics Staff (DPAGS) is the most complete reference source providing information on more than 36,000 scientific staff in approximately 2,600 institutions and organizations within the physics, astronomy and geophysics community. Information on about 450 physics related societies around the world is included.

The Directory contains academic physics, astronomy, geophysics and related departments as well as 2-year colleges. It also includes private firms, industrial R&D centers, small R&D companies, federally funded R&D centers, government agencies, university-affiliated and other research institutes, and professional societies serving the physics and physics related communities around the world.

The information is divided into institutional and individual listings. Each institutional listing provides the address, phone, fax, email, URL and current faculty or staff. Individual listings detail each person’s institutional affiliation, along with their work address, phone and email.

Springer Verlag / American Institute of Physics, 2006, 660 S.
67,57 Euro
ISBN: 978-0-7354-0335-2

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