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Stephane Houle, Francois Lorrain, Paul Lorrain
Magneto-Fluid Dynamics
Fundamentals and Case Studies

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The part "Fundamentals" is novel, first in that it stresses the use of electric currents in Magneto-Fluid-Dynamics. As a rule, authors discuss magnetic field lines without ever referring to the required electric currents. Second, the book stresses the importance of electric space charges inside conductors that move in magnetic fields. It is the custom to disregard both the required electric currents and the field of the space charges; this leads to many absurd results.

The "Case Studies" concern solar phenomena and the Earth´s magnetic field, stressing electric currents and electric space charges. Each case study is based on a published, or soon to be published, paper.

Written for:
Researchers, teachers and graduate students in physics, astrophysics, plasma physics and magneto-hydro-dynamics; kibraries in universities, research institutes, and governments

Die Autorin
François Lorrain is a co-author of the first and third of the above three books. He has also published a book, Réseaux sociaux et classifications sociales ; essai sur l’algèbre et la géométrie des structures sociales, Hermann, Paris, 1975. In relation to Magneto-Fluid-Dynamics, he has recently published an article entitled "Estimating the order of magnitude of derivatives in physics by means of characteristic lengths and times" in the American Journal of Physics, 72 (5), May 2004, pp. 683-690. Presently he teaches in the Département de mathématiques et d’informatique, Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf, Montréal (QC), Canada.

Der Autor
Paul Lorrain is the main author of three books: Electromagnetic Fields and Waves, third edition 1988, Electromagnetism, Principles and Applications, second edition, 1990, and Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Phenomena, first edition 2000, all published by Freeman, New York. He is also the main author of 22 papers published in the last 22 years in major physics, astrophysics, and plasma physics journals. He has worked in universities and research institutes in several countries. He is presently Visiting Professor in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at McGill University in Montréal, Canada.

Springer Berlin, 2006, 320 S.
112,30 Euro
Hardcover, w. 70 figs.
ISBN: 978-0-387-33542-1

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