- Shops - Buch-Tipps - Astrophysik - engl. Titel

Harm J. Habing (Hrsg.), Hans Olofsson (Hrsg.)
Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars

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The underlying astrophysical mechanisms of the objects known as asymptotic giant branch stars - the structures that occur during the dramatic period prior to a star's death - is the main theme of this text. Over the past three decades, asymptotic giant branch stars have become a topic of their own, and the contributions to this volume all focus on these entities themselves, rather than their connections to other fields of astronomy. Among the many topics covered are new methods of high- quality infrared observation and the more detailed and realistic simulations made possible by increasingly fast computers. This collection should be useful to graduate students who work in the field, teachers who want to address the subject in their courses, and to astronomers from various backgrounds who are interested in the astrophysics of AGB stars.

Written for:
Astrophysicists, graduate students

Springer Berlin, 2003, 656 S.
80,20 Euro
Hardcover, w. 352 figs. (176 col.).
ISBN: 978-0-387-00880-6

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